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‘GenAI adds more tonnage, power, and an even more turbulent sea’ – 25 quotes of the week on creativity, innovation and technology >

- by Madanmohan Rao [March 31, 2024]

WordSparks (‘words that spark change’) is a weekly feature from, featuring quotes from media around the world on creativity, innovation and technology (see our earlier compilation here). Share these gems and insights with your colleagues and networks, and stay tuned here for our next edition!

Innovation thrives on doubt, particularly in an era of disruption, and should be the first step of any creative exercise.

In 2024, the race will focus on getting AI into the platforms people use rather than creating individual tools that people are expected to tinker with.

Gen AI is a great way to rapidly summarize and synthesize data, but its ability to drive insights from unstructured data is limited, especially around specific corporate decisions.

Managers need to cultivate a culture that encourages the safe exploration and adoption of GenAI tools for job crafting.

AI can help retailers bolster loyalty programs by streamlining the collection and processing of customer data through behavior analytics and sentiment analysis.

Highly iterative prompting [in GenAI] is required to produce something close to what designers envision, consumers want, and companies can manufacture.

To remain competitive, manufacturers need to focus their staff on embracing new technology as a core part of their evolving organizational culture, creating a technology/worker partnership that drives their business forward.

Coding often involves simple, sometimes tedious tasks, and this is where generative AI tools tend to shine.

The healthcare system must explore different approaches of delivering care, and lean into leveraging gen AI to make paradigmatic shifts versus simply addressing legacy challenges.

From generating a discharge summary in the patient’s native language to providing clinical notes in real time, GenAI’s potential will drive better patient experience, enhanced productivity and optimised administration effort.

We see enormous potential in the use of AI in countries with limited healthcare professionals, particularly in areas like public health education and service delivery.

Assertively adopting generative AI will enable UK financial services to grow further, enabling this vital sector to remain a global leader.

Gen AI is shifting the New York region’s work landscape and job market. The evolving technology’s advanced natural language capabilities have extended the possibility of increased productivity to a much wider set of job activities.

Despite its robust AI talent pool, the Netherlands has yet to transform its lead in AI talent to commercial ventures and startup activity.

In a little more than 12 months, the disruptive potential of GenAI has shifted from reverie to reality, capturing the imaginations and budgets of IT and data leaders.

[GenAI] hardware will consume more power and require more efficient cooling systems. Most of the LLM development and AI model training are being done in data centres, and this is driving demand for data centre space as well as how it is being designed.

We stand on the brink of a critical threshold where our ability to trust images and videos online is rapidly eroding, signaling a potential point of no return.

Are artists facing a loaded gun, or is this the dawn of a new era offering unprecedented creative possibilities? It is likely a mix of both.

It is important for GenAI users to remember that it is not always possible to know GenAI’s shortcomings.

In this new world, consent takes on heightened importance. As the capabilities of AI continue to advance, so too must our ethical frameworks and regulatory safeguards.

If the GenAI space is left to develop unchallenged, as Big Tech currently stipulates, a future AI-rich world will find itself increasingly lacking a diversity of perspectives, such as those of women, ethnic minorities, publics from the global south and other cultures.

Risk and uncertainty are slowing GenAI's adoption at scale, especially the lack of traditional controls to mitigate drift and hallucinations.

Four plausible GenAI scenarios for 2029 have been defined: “The journey to homo sAIpiens,” “Remember all the GenAI hype?,” “Chasing an antidote to chaos,” and “Technology titans”.

If 2023 was the year of generative AI experimentation, 2024 is the year of implementation.

Navigating through traditional AI is like steaming through choppy waters with a state-of-the-art but somewhat cumbersome vessel, and GenAI adds more tonnage, power, and an even more turbulent sea.

Madanmohan Rao is Co-founder of, and author of 15+ books on innovation, knowledge management, and digital transformation. He can be followed on LinkedIn and Twitter